El Consell d’Europa urgeix Aragó a reconèixer el català i l’aragonès i elaborar una nova Llei de llengües

Origen: Miquel Strubell: CELRM


The application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages by Spain

Press release – DC007(2016)

Regional and minority languages in Spain: Council of Europe issues new evaluation report

Strasbourg, 21.01.2016 – The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe today issued six recommendations to the Spanish authorities on the application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. It also published a report by a committee of experts assessing Spain´s compliance with the Charter….

Recommendation CM/RecChL(2016)1
on the application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages by Spain

(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 20 January 2016 at the 1245th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
The Committee of Ministers,
In accordance with Article 16 of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages;
Having regard to the declarations made by Spain on 9 April 2001;
Having taken note of the evaluation made by the Committee of Experts on the Charter with respect to the application of the Charter by Spain;
Bearing in mind that this evaluation is based on information submitted by Spain in its national report, supplementary information provided by the Spanish authorities, information submitted by bodies and associations legally established in Spain and information obtained by the Committee of Experts during its on-the-spot visit;
Having taken note of the comments made by the Spanish authorities on the contents of the Committee of Experts’ report;
Recommends that the Spanish authorities take account of all the observations and recommendations of the Committee of Experts and, as a matter of priority:
   1. amend the legal framework with a view to making it clear that the criminal, civil and administrative judicial authorities in the Autonomous Communities can conduct the proceedings in co-official languages at the request of one party;
   2. continue to implement legal and step up practical measures aimed at ensuring that an adequate proportion of the judicial staff posted in the Autonomous Communities concerned by the application of Article 9 of the Charter has a working knowledge of the relevant languages;
   3. continue to implement legal and step up practical measures aimed at ensuring the adequate presence of the co-official languages in the State administration at the level of the Autonomous Communities;
   4. continue to implement measures to ensure the presence of co-official languages in public services, especially in health care services;
   5. continue to ensure that the offer of trilingual education does not adversely affect the protection and promotion of regional or minority languages;
   6. consider extending the recognition of those regional or minority languages with a co-official status in six Autonomous Communities to other Autonomous Communities provided that there is a sufficient number of users of the regional or minority language involved.


p. 15:
The Committee of Experts strongly urges the authorities to take the necessary steps to recognise the status of Catalan and Aragonese as traditionally spoken languages in Aragon.
p. 17:
The Committee of Experts strongly urges the authorities to adopt a specific legal framework for the protection and promotion of Catalan and Aragonese in Aragon as separate languages.

Valderrobres Negro

Buenos días queridos amigos, como veis estoy que me salgo con la programación de Valderrobres Negro!!

Mañana viernes a las 18:00 como sabéis tengo a José Luis Muñoz presentando MARERO acompañado de José Vaccaro con NO DAR PAPAYA os espero para disfrutar de una jornada literaria de lo mas atractiva en mi librería ;))

Aprovecho para actualizaros a día de hoy a falta de enviaros los carteles promocionales del 30 de enero con Fernado Marías, Ernesto Mallo y la Exposición de ERNST&ERNST, novedad que nos hemos sacado de la manga pero que va a rematar una jornada memorable con el monólogo ‘ESTA NOCHE MORIRÉ’ de Fernando Marías en FONDA LA PLAZA.

Espero que disfrutéis de la programación en que a partir de ahora Valderrobres es referencia de la Novela Negra en Aragón, España y con Ernesto Mallo Comisario de Buenos Aíres Negro cruzamos el charco y pasamos a ser un referente en la historia de los Festivales de Novela Negra en lengua latina ;))